經營理念: 在此行動商業(M-Business)時代,我們的團隊秉持行動服務(M-Service)為原則,并結合與客戶間供應鏈管理(SCM:Supply Chain Management)的系統整合,寶融國際(B&R)以快捷的速度,提供客戶服務,并提升客我雙方的附加價值。
Since its establishment in 1999, B&R has become one of the top agents of electronic components. Today, we own agent or distribution services for world famous components and integrated circuit brands, providing “one-stop supply chain service” for all types of electronic products manufacturers.
We set up branch offices around major China cities, such as Qingdao, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Foshan, Beijing, Hefei, and Chongqing. We also build a logistic service center in Hongkong, serving our customer with comprehensive product technical support for customers and perfect quick logistics service.
Business idea: during the era of M-Business, we believe in the principle of M-Service integrated with Supply Chain Management (SCM), and provide fastest services to our customers to improve added value of both sides.
B&R pursues highest customer satisfaction and makes great effort to become most satisfying and reliable partner with our customers in the long run. Through the development strategy of target market, we follow trends of new products in every market; With best knowledge and resources of business, we ensure our customers and suppliers grow together with B&R.